Complete Guide on How to Sell Properties in Dubai

General Guides
October 28, 2023

Unlock the secrets to a successful property sale in the heart of the United Arab Emirates - Dubai. If you're looking to sell property in Dubai, you're in the right place. This comprehensive guide provides the key insights you need to navigate the thriving Dubai real estate market. From property ownership considerations to the intricacies of the selling process, we've got you covered. Let's dive into the world of selling property in Dubai and ensure your journey is both smooth and rewarding.

What do I Need to Consider as a Property Owner Selling Property in Dubai?

Before you can sell your property in Dubai there are certain documents you’ll need, and requirements to fulfill. You don’t really need to worry too much about this, because if you own a property in Dubai you can easily prove your ownership of it, and fulfill the requirements. Most of the documents you need to prove the ownership of your property can be easily found online on the Dubai REST app, and the Dubai Land Department website. Just in case you might need help with this you can always contact a real estate broker to assist you.  

  1. Visa and Residency: If you want to sell your property in Dubai you will need to have some kind of immigration document that shows you are legally in the country. This isn’t a big deal, because you can even sell your property in Dubai on a tourist visa. 
  2. Title Deed: If you want to sell your property in Dubai its best to keep your title deed on hand. Upon purchasing a property, you'll receive a title deed that proves your ownership. This deed is issued by the Dubai Land Department (DLD), and can be accessed whenever you want on the Dubai REST app. 
  3. Property Registration: All property transactions, including buying and selling, need to be registered with the DLD. This helps ensure the legality of the trade and protects the rights of all parties involved.
  4. Service Charges up-to-date: If you own property in a community with shared amenities and facilities (like in many residential developments), you'll likely be required to pay service charges. Before you can sell your property, you will need to make sure that you have paid all the service charges on your property.
  5. Ejari Registration: If you rented your property out, it would be good to keep the Ejari document on hand. Ejari must be registered whenever a landlord gets a tenant in Dubai. This is a mandatory document and helps landlords and tenants protect their rights.
  6. DLD Fees: Dubai has no personal income tax or capital gains tax. However, there are land department fees. You will be required to pay off all outstanding DLD fees before you can sell property in Dubai.

What Steps are Necessary for Me to Sell My Property in Dubai?

Selling property in Dubai involves several steps to ensure a smooth and legally compliant transaction. Here are the steps you would need to follow to sell your property in Dubai:

  1. Title Deed: Ensure you have the original title deed of the property you intend to sell in Dubai. The title deed proves your ownership of the property.
  2. Valuation and Pricing: Determine the market value of your property. You can hire a professional valuer or real estate agent to help you determine an appropriate selling price.
  3. Choose a Real Estate Agent: While not mandatory, working with a reputable real estate agent can help you market your property effectively and find potential buyers. Real estate agents can also assist in negotiations and paperwork, so that you can easily sell property in Dubai.
  4. Offer and Acceptance: Once you have a potential buyer, you'll need to negotiate and agree on the terms of the sale, including the selling price, payment schedule, and any other relevant terms.
  5. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU): It's common to sign a Memorandum of Understanding or Letter of Intent outlining the agreed-upon terms of the sale. This is a preliminary agreement that precedes the formal sales contract.
  6. Draft Sale and Purchase Agreement: The next step is to draft the Sale and Purchase Agreement. This document outlines the terms of the sale in detail, including payment terms, completion date, and any other conditions.
  7. Obtain Buyer's Documents: Before completing the sale, you'll need certain documents from the buyer, such as a copy of their passport and Emirates ID.
  8. Visit a Trustee: The buyer and seller must visit a trustee office to transfer the property's ownership. The trustee will verify the documents and forward them to the Dubai Land Department.
  9. Transfer of Ownership: Once the DLD approves the sale of a property in Dubai they will provide a new title deed in the buyer's name, and officially transfer ownership. The seller receives payment based on the agreed-upon terms.
  10. Notification of Utility Providers: Once you sell a property in Dubai it is important to notify utility providers (such as water and electricity) of the change in ownership to avoid any issues with utility bills.
  11. Completion and Handover: After you sell your property in Dubai, you will be required to handover the property to the buyer based on the date specified on the purchase agreement.

The process can vary based on the specifics of your property and the buyer's circumstances. Always consult with professionals familiar with the Dubai real estate market before you make the decision to sell your property in Dubai. 

Common Misconceptions at the Time of Selling Property in Dubai

Selling property in Dubai, like anywhere else, can sometimes come with misconceptions that sellers should be aware of to ensure a successful and smooth transaction. Here are some common misconceptions that sellers might encounter:

  1. No Need for Professional Assistance: Some sellers might believe they can handle the entire process independently without the assistance of real estate agents, legal advisors, and valuers. However, having experts on your side can help you navigate the complexities of the Dubai real estate market, ensure legal compliance, and maximize the value of your property.
  2. Assuming All Buyers are Cash Buyers: While there is a significant demand from cash buyers in Dubai, not all buyers can pay the entire purchase price upfront. Some buyers require financing through mortgages or installment plans. If you want to sell your property in Dubai without delay it's essential to be open to different types of buyers and their payment preferences.
  3. Overpricing for Negotiation: Some sellers might intentionally overprice their property, assuming buyers will negotiate down to the desired selling price. However, overpricing must be done in a strategic manner, or you might end up deterring many potential buyers. A realistic pricing strategy is usually more effective.
  4. Ignoring Property Presentation: Presentation matters when selling property. Neglecting essential maintenance, repairs, and staging can reduce the appeal of your property to potential buyers. Enhancing the property's appearance can lead to a quicker and more profitable sale.
  5. Focusing Only on Listing Price: While the listing price is important, it's not the only factor that matters to buyers. They consider various aspects, including location, condition, amenities, and value proposition. Make sure your property offers a compelling package beyond just the price.
  6. Ignoring Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Some sellers might assume that the process of selling property in Dubai is straightforward and overlook essential legal and regulatory requirements. Please obtain the necessary documents, approvals, and clearances to avoid delays or legal issues.
  7. Not Disclosing Property Issues: Transparency is key. Sellers should disclose any known issues or defects with the property to potential buyers. Failing to disclose such information can lead to disputes and may even have legal implications.
  8. Underestimating Marketing Efforts: Effective marketing is crucial to attract potential buyers. Refrain from assuming your property will sell quickly because it's listed. Invest in high-quality photographs, accurate property descriptions, and targeted marketing efforts.
  9. Relying Solely on Past Market Trends: Past market trends may not accurately predict future market conditions. Various factors, including economic changes, government policies, and global events can influence Dubai's real estate market. People looking to sell property in Dubai should consider the current market environment before making any decisions.

Stat Global Can Help You Sell Property in Dubai

In the ever-evolving Dubai real estate market, knowledge is key to successfully sell property in Dubai. With the right strategy and expert guidance, you can make the most of this land of opportunity. If you're ready to embark on your journey to sell property in Dubai, our dedicated agents are here to assist you every step of the way.

About the Author

Catherine Andrea Gerdez

Content Writer at Stat Global

Catherine Andrea Gerdez is a copywriter and saleswoman originally from Caracas, Venezuela. She has a bachelor's degree in International Studies from the Central University of Venezuela. She speaks fluent English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish (her native language) and is currently learning Mandarin.

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About the Author

Catherine Andrea Gerdez

Content Writer at Stat Global

Catherine Andrea Gerdez is a copywriter and saleswoman originally from Caracas, Venezuela. She has a bachelor's degree in International Studies from the Central University of Venezuela. She speaks fluent English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish (her native language) and is currently learning Mandarin.

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